This is Ubaldino. He is suffering from psoriasis, an autoimmune condition that causes sores all over his body, and swelling and arthritic symptoms in his joints. So great is his skin problem that scar tissue has deformed his hands. His entire body is covered in painful, itchy sores. He is extremely poor, has been cast out by his parents, and is unable to work. He just turned 20. The first time I saw Ubaldino, he was walking down the street, arms wrapped around his chest as if to protect himself. I am sure he must feel as if he is an outcast of society. The second time I saw him, I chatted with him and he shared a little of his story. I laid my hand on his shoulder to pray for him and he warmed at my touch. Yesterday when I saw him (it's been months now of connecting) he ran across the street yelling "mommy! and threw his arms around my neck. Such a sweet, gentle boy. He'd been to a hospital 4 hours away and received an injection (I am guessing steroids) and w...
It All Starts with the One in Front of You