This home belongs to a woman who lives on a tiny island in Panama. She has no husband and her son is very ill. Most of her money goes to hospital bills for his care.
We are so excited for her today as her home is finally getting painted. when we asked her if we could paint her home, at first she didn't understand. Apparently my Spanish needs some work, or maybe the idea was so foreign to her that she thought she must have misunderstood me.
When a translator explained everything to her, she buckled right there in the slop. He had to catch her so she didn't fall. You see, the water under her house is contaminated with raw sewage.
Anyway, through her tears, she agreed we could paint her house for her.
She picked out a lovely bright green and white trim for the windows. Here you can see Mijo, Gordo and a couple other boys hard at work painting...and laughing...I am super happy we can pay them for their labor too...
Mijo might need a shower... :-)
Signed...Happy Camper
We are so excited for her today as her home is finally getting painted. when we asked her if we could paint her home, at first she didn't understand. Apparently my Spanish needs some work, or maybe the idea was so foreign to her that she thought she must have misunderstood me.
When a translator explained everything to her, she buckled right there in the slop. He had to catch her so she didn't fall. You see, the water under her house is contaminated with raw sewage.
Anyway, through her tears, she agreed we could paint her house for her.
She picked out a lovely bright green and white trim for the windows. Here you can see Mijo, Gordo and a couple other boys hard at work painting...and laughing...I am super happy we can pay them for their labor too...
Mijo might need a shower... :-)
Signed...Happy Camper
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