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Travel to Mexico's Yucatan Penninsula

Soon I will be setting foot in the Land of the Maya, in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Its a land filled with ancient ruins, extensive cave systems, remote jungles, endangered reefs,  and one of the world most mysterious histories. 

Thanks to your generous charity and many wonderful donations, I will be handing out gifts to poor children and families who are dealing with poverty while I am there. 

As they say is Maya, JUMBO TIK!  (thank you!)

While I am there I plan to spend time with indigenous people and learn some of the Maya language. I cant wait to do some traveling across the Yucatan Peninsula, which is one of my favorite things to do. My daughter will be with me for this trip and we will definitely drink ice cold coconut water and munch on sliced mangoes tossed in chili powder, lime, and salt as we stop in little villages and check out local art and meet the people. 

YEY! I now have a GoPro and that means lots of videos. I promise I will video tape exploring the ruins... 

 and snorkeling on the reefs!

Stay tuned for this adventure. There are sure to be lots of great stories and lots of opportunity to connect with the lovely people of the Yucatan. 

More to Come!

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Live is an adventure, Live it!


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